Official Patch 9.6 Gp4
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Grand Prix 4. Compete against your. After installation of patch, game will then be GP4 v1.02. GP4 editor programs won't work. Patch 9.6 and GP4v1.02 decrypted. Unofficial Patch 9.6 released! It was fixed in the latest UP 9.6 beta and you can do the same just by adding this to autoexec.cfg: fps_max '92' #15.
• Several Languages. • Full Customizable menus. • Built-In Models for new designs. • New Tools for DWG Drawings. • Create Ultra 3D Models.
Geoff Crammond's Grand Prix 4 ***************************** Readme File (English) Patch V9.6 November, 2002 1. How to install the patch *************************** If you've obtained the Patch V9.6 from a website, unzip the file named 'GP4_patch' and run 'setup.exe'. 'Setup.exe' will install the patch over the game. If you've got the Patch V9.6 on a CD.
Insert the CD into your CD-ROM drive. If autorun is enabled, follow all on-screen instructions. If autorun has not been enabled, you'll have to double-click on the 'My Computer' icon on the Windows Desktop, then on the CD-ROM icon, and then click on 'Set-up.exe'. Follow all on-screen instructions. If you already got the old patch V4.0 on your computer, you need to uninstall the game and reinstall it to be able to install this new patch.
Patch V9.6 fixes ******************* The following problems should be fixed with the patch V9.6. If some of them remain on your computer, please contact us through our website 'or through our hotlines. 2.0.1 Latest Info ***************** Controller navigation cannot occur unless the user goes to the menu set up screen and enables the option.
It is possible to navigate through the menus with a controller if the steering, brake and accelerator are on controller A. (user should only enable the navigation option if steering, brake and acceleration are all using controller A.) 2.0.2 Controller **************** For Wheels controller information, please refer to the 'read-me Wheels controller GP4' and the latest FAQ 2.0.3 FAQ (Frequently Asked Question) ********* You will find the latest FAQs on our website '2.1. Microprose fixes ********************** List of Bugs that have been fixed in V9.6: 1. The game will install and run perfectly well at the first launch. If the player quits the game and then returns at a later date the game will not run again. In the Drivers' select screen, Panis and Villeneuve's names are swapped: Panis's photograph is displayed with Villeneuve's name and vice-versa. Season 2001 cars and drivers: Alex Yoong has the wrong helmet in the game.
He has been given Tarso Marques' helmet. The BAR cars have swapped numbers. In the game Jacques Villeneuve car has number 9 and Olivier Panis number 10.
Vampire The Masquerade Unofficial Patch 9.6
In the actual entry list for the F1 season 2001, Jacques Villeneuve's car was entered as number 10 and Olivier Panis' car as number 9. After a user plays the game for a while and then returns to the main menu he will find the mouse cursor is unusable, flickering and jumping uncontrollably across the screen. This prevents the user from entering and typing in filenames and selecting any other options. Pits drop down monitor: In hotseat mode, while qualifying, when you change player, while viewing the drop down monitor in the pits, it displays the wrong laptimes/drivers. Best lap time in qualifications: Sometimes the game will post wrong lap/qual times in the skybox messages. Skybox show a new fastest lap/pole time set by player A, but it displays the wrong lap time, the one just beaten. The displaying of the beaten pole time seems only to happen when the player beats a pole time he himself has set previously or set by an AI.