Sd Gundam Private Server
Apr 03, 2016 SD Gundam Next Evolu. Sargent379 5th Mar 2015 Last. News: Calander event. Revival of SDGO (Private Server). RaGEZONE - MMO development community. If someone is able to hack this and makes a core to use it for private server and is willing. SD Gundam Capsule Fighter.
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SDGO or SD Gundam Online, is a Korean game developed by Softmax and published by Netmarble. It is a 3rd person shooter with PvP rooms and mission rooms, and will soon have a campaign styled game mode. PvP supports 8 players beit free for all or 4v4. Missions support 4 player teams. There is a clan system implemented in the game as well. Currently the game is available in Korea (under Netmarble), Japan (under Netmarble), China (under 9you), Hong Kong (under 9you) and Taiwan (under Cayennetech). The game itself is based around the fundamentals of rock paper scissors.
Scissor type suits do great against paper, but are weak to rock and likewise for the other suit types. This group is to find people who play SD gundam online, an online MMO(RPG?) that is based on multiple gundam series. Despite its inherrent cuteness it is actually pretty fun, and probably will never come to North America/release an english server. The only solution is to play on a foreign server, however many servers require a foreign social security number. Taiwan is the most up to date one that does not require a number(so far as I know).
All fans of the gundam series are welcome, or any other mecha franchise for that matter. We prefer to play nice, so do it! Again, this group is to help find people who play, befriend mecha lovers, and give a GIGA DRILL BREAK! I ask that all group members do some things however. (Ugh communism) Try to recruit people when you can, when making a room title it 'steam' so others can know its one of us, and finally if there is a password make it '4132'.
If anyone needs help with a quest give me a ring, I'll try to get a team together to help. Right now I have s ranks for a variety of situations. Feel free also to ask me for a match.
I always look forward to a chance to lose (so long as you don't make an ass of yourself) I will help newbies into pvp, and the registration process. Just send me a message and I'll help if I can. I'm the admin all the way on the left.